Do not disturb your neighbors

Planning result of limited public spaces created individual and silenced working spaces. The office owner asked to create as many working spaces between 9 to 12 sq m.The idea was to create the working spaces in a way that they will not be convenient for a large number of people to avoid small talk gatherings. […]
Weitzman Sellouk

As the years are going by, I feel that I am in a constant search for simplicity. This means that I will use a product or a material only if those are creating the simplicity and minimalism I wish to accomplish. The purpose of an innovative design is to reduce unused objects.This is a different […]
We chose every detail very carefully

The Mordechai house is located in the country and therefore conducted very strict planning. We had to choose each and every material in a very precise manner so all will fit and work together. The challenge was to create a whole harmony by combining the country’s tiled roof with updated and modern materials. This project […]